Version 4.0.80
Tue 3rd Sep, 2024
BUGFIXFixed issue where user could scroll through transportation types and submit incomplete leave request
Version 4.0.79
Mon 24th Jun, 2024
UPDATEParents can now edit existing hosts if 2223 sys config allows
BUGFIXfixed an issue causing Bulk SISO in Kiosk to look like it failed
UPDATEReach: Now Upgrade Release
Version 4.0.78
Mon 3rd Jun, 2024
HOTFIXfixed pastoral reports not showing after the browser update
BUGFIXfixed an issue where empty spaces could be entered in leave creation - notes and destination fields
BUGFIXfixed leave transport types not selecting the previous types properly in editing leaves
Version 4.0.77
Tue 16th Apr, 2024
BUGFIXfixed an issue causing upcoming leave to not display in kiosk departures
Version 4.0.76
Tue 26th Mar, 2024
BUGFIXfixed cut offs for parent not being applied
BUGFIXfixed staff SISO approval after leave request
BUGFIXfixed line wrapping issue in leave request
Version 4.0.75
Mon 22nd Jan, 2024
UPDATEfixed Duty report date errors
BUGFIXfixed approve by proxy rejecting the leave
UPDATEAdded UDF icons to kiosk
NEWfunctionality for Rostering. Can now accept, decline or move to open per slot
UPDATEAdded UDF icons to kiosk
Version 4.0.74
Thu 7th Dec, 2023
BUGFIXfixed approve by proxy rejecting the leave
Version 4.0.73
Tue 5th Dec, 2023
BUGFIXfixed filters in Kiosk resetting after a SISO
BUGFIXKiosk Siso screen no longer refreshes and scrolls to top whenever a siso is made from another device.
Version 4.0.72
Tue 27th Jun, 2023
BUGFIXfixed issue of not checking system config for staff permissions for SISO in Kiosk view
UPDATEAdded host association type to host selection view in leave creation
UPDATEWhen leave request is approved user no longer kicked back to manage leave view
Version 4.0.71
Tue 11th Apr, 2023
NEWAdded meal adjustments for boarders/students
UPDATEchanged default sort of rollcall to be last name alphabetical
Version 4.0.70
Tue 21st Feb, 2023
BUGFIXfix for leaves missing an actor when signed into more then 1 school
Version 4.0.69
Tue 7th Feb, 2023
UPDATEfor load sequencing to allow for correct server location data to be fetched before all others so that location information is always correct
NEWapp blur/focus handlers to determine whether network services need to be re-established after specific period of time (graceful reconnect)
BUGFIXfixes for editing a Leave causing workflow errors
BUGFIXfor force address setting being ignored in host creations.
UPDATEadded custom colours for pastoral categories
Version 4.0.68
Mon 12th Dec, 2022
BUGFIXfixed creating a recurring leave saving the pattern incorrectly
Version 4.0.67
Mon 7th Nov, 2022
HOTFIXfor voyage types with mandatory showing 'No Selection'
HOTFIXfor voyage types with selectors that require scroll being hidden behind the bottom panel
Version 4.0.66
Tue 1st Nov, 2022
BUGFIXfor Leave not displaying previous session updates when the app is closed and brought back
BUGFIXfor Preferred name surname (first name if no preferred name) option not displaying correctly
BUGFIXfor Leave Details Quick Actions not giving staff the correct options
BUGFIXfor Bottom bar Kiosk button taking user home instead of to Kiosk
BUGFIXadded a BE_STAFF check to role selections in duty and pastroal reports
BUGFIXfor app log out on version update. This will stop users being forced to log back in
Version 4.0.65
Mon 17th Oct, 2022
BUGFIXfor Parent/Guardian and Boarder My Account - Host screen not showing all associations
BUGFIXfor updating quotas in Leave details failing to save
Version 4.0.64
Mon 12th Sep, 2022
UPDATEfor Boarder Home Screen displaying Pastoral Score if enabled in system config
Version 4.0.63
Mon 29th Aug, 2022
UPDATEfor rollcall Category's. Made them more discriptive and improved UI
UPDATEfor Create New Host now prevents user from moving forward in Leave if any creation steps fail
BUGFIXfor NFC/QR SISO Buttons not disappearing when disabled
Version 4.0.62
Wed 1st Jun, 2022
BUGFIXfor Kiosk Departure/Arrival SISO actions sheet being hidden under bottom bar
Version 4.0.61
Tue 17th May, 2022
BUGFIXfor staff siso of a student changing the staff location displayed in the ui untill refresh
HOTFIXfor leave transport types not rendering if voyage is not enabled
Version 4.0.60
Mon 16th May, 2022
UPDATERemoved Staff Groups from filter options where it is not applicable
BUGFIXfor leaves not visually updating properly in some cases
UPDATEfor host selection being skipped
UPDATEadded host creation the the My Account screen
BUGFIXfor Late Meal showing incorrect in the audit log
NEWmodule enabled for Perimeter Scanner configuration
Version 4.0.59
Wed 20th Apr, 2022
UPDATEfor No Host Necessary configuration within System Config on Leave Type Configuration
Version 4.0.58
Tue 5th Apr, 2022
BUGFIXfor Boarder events appearing as registered when they are waitlisted
Version 4.0.57
Mon 28th Mar, 2022
BUGFIXfor leave actor checks not looking at the must include list properly (this was front end only)
Version 4.0.56
Tue 22nd Mar, 2022
BUGFIXfor leave creation not allowing some users to progress past the person selection screen
Version 4.0.55
Thu 17th Mar, 2022
BUGFIXfor leave creation showing staff leaves that are restricted to the student
Version 4.0.54
Tue 22nd Feb, 2022
BUGFIXfor still being to access Events via the bottom bar even without permissions
UPDATEAdded filters and sorting to Event attendance page
BUGFIXfor chat room visability settings
NEWPerimeter Scan functionality added for schools that wish to employ it
Version 4.0.53
Wed 2nd Feb, 2022
UPDATEProcessed button does no longer exist in LRC as it did not do anything
BUGFIXEvents search icon appearing on Event details page and not working for staff after viewing attendance
BUGFIXfor new hosts created in leave not sending the correct email auth to parents
BUGFIXchangelog had some old values mixing things up
NEWAdded Consent Forms to Lists and Forms for PWA
Version 4.0.52
Mon 24th Jan, 2022
BUGFIXWhen registering for an event, users were told they were waitlisted instead
Version 4.0.51
Mon 10th Jan, 2022
BUGFIXfor leave edits not showing previous transport types
BUGFIXEvents - Events breaking for parents with deleted association
BUGFIXRollcall doesn't re-render when marking students
BUGFIXfor lists where one question type was saving incorrectly
Version 4.0.50
Fri 3rd Dec, 2021
UPDATEAdded filters for the home staff page
HOTFIXfor load failures when a staff that submitted a duty report is deleted
BUGFIXEvents - Events breaking for parents with only one association
Version 4.0.49
Fri 19th Nov, 2021
BUGFIXRemoved the Pre-approved Leave Location from Kiosk Bulk SISO Locations
BUGFIXfor flexi leave save button being pressed multiple times
Version 4.0.48
Tue 16th Nov, 2021
UPDATEfor better websocket checks in live rollcall
BUGFIXfor the network dropping during initiation and becomming unusable
Version 4.0.47
Tue 26th Oct, 2021
UPDATEfor deployment of new updates
Version 4.0.46
Wed 20th Oct, 2021
BUGFIXfor Location Update not being able to find a contact correctly
Version 4.0.45
Fri 15th Oct, 2021
BUGFIXfor Location cache not updating upon successful return of data from server thus refreshing app showed previous location incorrectly
Version 4.0.44
Mon 4th Oct, 2021
UPDATEfor handling Rollcall - Leave status to behave the same as GAE
UPDATEfor colouring for Leave briefcase for on time or late to return
BUGFIXFixed the rollcall and kiosk sort not including everyone
Version 4.0.43
Fri 24th Sep, 2021
BUGFIXFixed staff seeing duty reports without the correct permissions.
UPDATEImproved messaging in offline states
BUGFIXFixed default leave location not respecting the config to show or hide in SISO
Version 4.0.42
Mon 20th Sep, 2021
UPDATEImprove performance surrounding Survey fetches
BUGFIXFix failure to search for a school
Version 4.0.41
Wed 15th Sep, 2021
UPDATESurveys - Additional robustness on calls to help performance
Version 4.0.40
Tue 14th Sep, 2021
UPDATESurveys - Additional updates to improve performance of the system
Version 4.0.39
Mon 13th Sep, 2021
BUGFIXLeave - If ignore flag is set it will now respect this
Version 4.0.38
Fri 10th Sep, 2021
HOTFIXSurveys - Added a timeout to the refresh button to reduce server impact
Version 4.0.37
Mon 30th Aug, 2021
HOTFIXSurveys - The Default values for Surveys is now set to 'No'
HOTFIXReach Now - Reach would not handle the incoming messages properly
BUGFIXQuotas - Fixed Quota's being declined actually allowed SISO and deducted quota
BUGFIXHome - Rollcall tile now displaying correct rollcall type and upcoming rollcall
UPDATERollcall - Added validation for label, start date and end date for Ad Hoc Rollcalls
NEWPastoral - Added ability to add an additional note to an existing Pastoral note
Version 4.0.36
Mon 23rd Aug, 2021
BUGFIXQuick SISO - Staff SISO to different location, the page resets to home screen
BUGFIXEvents - Past Events in calendar for boarders and parents were showing as active events
BUGFIXEvents - If Events module was disabled a user was still able to access Events
BUGFIXEvents - Events not allowing students to register for events
UPDATEHome - Create and Manage leave will only show when permissions are set to on
UPDATEHome - No SISO button on homescreen if boarder Off/On campus & NFC and QR are set to NO on Reach Web
BUGFIXHome - Change the sweet alert icon for insufficient permissions and module check
Version 4.0.35
Tue 27th Jul, 2021
BUGFIXDuty Reports - Alert to save a new report when exiting will only show if the new report has been modified
BUGFIXRollcall - Fixed being able to set up an Event Rollcall despite no events available
UPDATESISO - Changed how gated boarders see the SISO page and options
BUGFIXRollcall - Fixed issues with Auto SISO Location settings not appearing for certain rollcalls
BUGFIXEvents - Event description would sometimes not show placeholder if there was no description given
BUGFIXDuty Reports - Drafts are now displayed by most recent
UPDATEHome - Changed the icons color in '+' menu bar
UPDATERollcall - Added 'None' as a sorting option
BUGFIXPastoral - Changed the labelling of 'Additional Details' to 'Report Details'
Version 4.0.34
Mon 19th Jul, 2021
BUGFIXRollcall - Boarders on leave could be marked during an AM/PM Registration Rollcall before SISO
UPDATEDuty Reports - Added icons for Submiting, Saving and Deleting a Duty Report instead of buttons
BUGFIXQuick SISO - Where Quick SISO page would not reflect a location change in realtime
BUGFIXContacts - Fixed an issue with contact information not updating via Contact Delta
UPDATEHome - Minor Spelling typo
Version 4.0.33
Mon 12th Jul, 2021
UPDATEReach Now - Only Staff can now manage board rooms chats
UPDATERollcall - Added sorting boarders by their first name
BUGFIXLeave - Hosts not being listed in alphabetical order in Host selection
BUGFIXLeave - New Leaves not appearing and Deleted Leaves not disappearing while on Manage Leave screen
BUGFIXQuick SISO - Opening Quick SISO doesn't bring the SISO to next leave
Version 4.0.32
Mon 5th Jul, 2021
BUGFIXEvents - Added functionality to cache events on first load
UPDATERollcall - Events Rollcall Category
UPDATERollcall - AM/PM Registration Rollcall Category
NEWKiosk - Integrated Magnus Record in Student Info Tab
BUGFIXEvents - Removed invite button from registered students in events attendance list tab
NEWManage Leave - Added icons on manage leave page for Sticky Notes, Documents, Recurring Leaves and IP Flags
NEWLists - Popups for mandatory Lists
UPDATEHome - Added a pop up for service maintenance
BUGFIXleave - Fixed legs transportation reorder issue and mandatory voyage field issue
BUGFIXFixed dropdown bar breaking for large amounts of text
UPDATERollcall - Year groups are sorted alphabetically with a demarcation indicating year name
UPDATEAbout Reach - Added Social media links in about page
BUGFIXHome - Activity Metric leave status on home screen now updates dynamically
UPDATEHome - Removed the pop up for service maintenance
Version 4.0.31
Tue 22nd Jun, 2021
UPDATEBoarder self SISO will now check and deduct quotas
BUGFIXREACH: Now - New messages not appearing while on REACH: Now page
BUGFIXLeave - Hard to scroll down with certain voyage transportation types
UPDATELeave - Added a warning message to leaves that prevents the user from submitting leaves without all actors present
BUGFIXDuty Report - Draft duty report now sort from the most recent to the oldest
BUGFIXEvents - Event image would not render and appeared in the description after performing a staff action
BUGFIXSISO - Could see option to SISO to next Leave while already out on a leave
BUGFIXReach Now - Participants are now loading in Boards and Rooms page
BUGFIXReach Now - Fixed the issue of wording breaking inside the message box
UPDATEReach Now - Added functionality to show last message on Reach now's landing page
UPDATEReach Now - Added notification dot on the home screen to notify user of any new messages
UPDATERollcall - Added sorting boarders by their first name
Version 4.0.30
Mon 14th Jun, 2021
NEWKiosk - Integrated Magnus Record in Student Info Tab
BUGFIXDuty Reports - Attempting to save a mention without a Wellness Category should not close the mention being worked on
UPDATELeave - Updated the Leave Rejection popup UI
UPDATEKiosk - Added SisoNotes in Kiosk and Quick SISO Page
Version 4.0.29
Tue 8th Jun, 2021
BUGFIXLeave - Fixed keyboard popping up when a leave is preset with a boarder
BUGFIXDuty Reports - Saved Duty Report drafts with mentions should be submittable now
BUGFIXDuty Reports - Added Pastoral Score to mention boarder bottom sheet
UPDATEManage Leave - Added new buttons for Leave Approval and Rejection for actors in workflow
BUGFIXEvents - Changed the default card image to image inserted in Event description and removed from the description
BUGFIXLeave - Resized the transport type list
BUGFIXLeave - Removed Blue outlines in transportation fields
UPDATELeave - Added UDFs on Leave Details page
UPDATELeave - Added Quotas on Leave Details page
Version 4.0.28
Tue 25th May, 2021
BUGFIXSurveys - Fixed some rare cases of cards showing the wrong badge
UPDATEDuty Report - Moved 'Load More' button from top to bottom
BUGFIXLeave - Voyage Transportation Yes/No selector not populating in Leave Requests
BUGFIXEvents - Fixed the Events search key not being case sensitive
BUGFIXLeave - approved and pending counts on the Home Screen now update immediately after submitting a leave
BUGFIXLeave - Added a check for mandatory voyage fields
UPDATELeave - Made some UI adjustments for Leave Submission screen
BUGFIXSurvey - HTML code removed for a new line
BUGFIXDuty Report - Fixed the issue of tagging students by their Nickname
BUGFIXLeave - Fixed voyage transportation issues in leave creation
BUGFIXRollcall - Standard/Live Rollcall respect groups managed
Version 4.0.27
Mon 17th May, 2021
BUGFIXLeave - Parent Leave Creation not rendering leave type selection sometimes
BUGFIXLeave - Fixed an issue where voyage types would break when leave types were switched
Version 4.0.26
Mon 10th May, 2021
BUGFIXLeave - edited leaves shouldn't trigger quota violations
UPDATEHome - Leave return date and time under location for boarder
BUGFIXLeave - Editing as a boarder bringing up keyboard despite no textfield
BUGFIXKiosk - Bulk SISO not forcing acknowledgement of sticky notes for normal or leave SISO
BUGFIXBirthday Card - Validating email and cell number before sending out a text on Birthday Card
UPDATELeave Details - Updated the UI of Leave details page
Version 4.0.25
Wed 5th May, 2021
BUGFIXDuty Report - Fixed newly submitted report not appearing immediately
BUGFIXPastoral - Pastoral Reports are now correctly generated from Duty Report mentions
BUGFIXLeave - Users were able to submit a request with white space in notes field
BUGFIXStudent Profile - Rollcall History issue showing HTML text
Version 4.0.24
Wed 28th Apr, 2021
UPDATEEvents - Search Functionality and sorted Events by date
BUGFIXLeave - Ad Hoc host selection was alerting users to select a host when it should not have
BUGFIXMore - Logout Button not appearing when user did not have permissions to all icons
Version 4.0.23
Mon 26th Apr, 2021
UPDATEAdded Voyage Single Selectors to Leave
BUGFIXFixed issue where Yes/No voyage selectors would not initialise with correct values when editing an existing leave request
NEWKiosk - Ability to select all
Version 4.0.23
Thu 22nd Apr, 2021
UPDATEHome - Changed welcome photo to school badge and small style changes to background image
BUGFIXLeave - Create New Host working now for leave host selection
BUGFIXManage Leave - Fixed issue with staff not being able to edit a leave that was on leave
Version 4.0.22
Sun 18th Apr, 2021
BUGFIXLeave - Fixed being unable to scroll on Transportation Selection Screen when there are many legs
BUGFIXEvents - Boarders can now register for events that are at capacity but have a waiting list
BUGFIXLeave - Fixed leaves not appearing in manage leave after their creation until refresh
MAJORApp - Added missing storage support to handle large schools login (Thanks Tim K)
NEWStudent Profile - Ability to see Leave History
UPDATEKiosk - Implemented IP alerts
BUGFIXBasic Forms - Green badge displayed before completing survey
BUGFIXLeave - can't select leave types with long labels
BUGFIXKiosk - Bulk SISO on Departure tab throws an error
BUGFIXLeave - Fixed issue with host selection
BUGFIXSchool Management - The menu pop up was hiding behind other school line items
BUGFIXRollcall - Live Rollcall and Rollcall don't dynamically update the buttons when a student is SISOd to leave in the system
BUGFIXRollcall - LRC/SRC shows icons in different order
BUGFIXRollcall - Standard Rollcall - attendance selection not showing underlined when moves from unaccounted to processed in
Version 4.0.21
Tue 13th Apr, 2021
BUGFIXLists - Unable to see time selector for some questions
BUGFIXKiosk - Bulk selecting - doesn't select student who is in-line with red selected count box
BUGFIXLists - Parents were unable to submit the lists sometimes
UPDATELeave - Parent creating leave for multiple students - display names automatically
UPDATEGoogle OAuth - Can't use Google OAuth on the browser
UPDATEEvents - Update Calendar, My Events view for parents
Version 4.0.20
Mon 12th Apr, 2021
BUGFIXLeave - Recurring Leave information wasn't populating
UPDATESchool Management - On tap action listener was missing
UPDATELeave - Date field edge in recurring leave screen showing on leave review screen
UPDATELeave - Voyage Transportation date/time picker field extends past tile
UPDATEPastoral - date/time picker field extends past tile
BUGFIXLogin - Some schools weren't able to Login
BUGFIXLeave - user were able to submit the leave requests even if the host was a part of the leave flow
BUGFIXDuty Report - Tagging someone in the duty report breaks the save button
UPDATEVoyage - Voyage transportation details not listed in Manage Leave
UPDATELeave - Add quick transportation templates
Version 4.0.19
Wed 7th Apr, 2021
BUGFIXRollcall - Live Rollcall and Standard Rollcall wasn't updating action buttons dynamically
MAJORLeave - parents can't submit recurring leave requests
BUGFIXPastoral - Student search is broken
BUGFIXDuty Reports - Student search is broken
BUGFIXLeave - Leave Transportation Type panel was cutting out the list
Version 4.0.18
Tue 6th Apr, 2021
BUGFIXLeave - Leave Cut-off not being enforced
BUGFIXDuty Report - '@' symbol feature to add student info not saving
BUGFIXDuty Report - Tick to Save not working
NEWEvents - Now staff can perform events actions from the app itself
MAJORReach - New Title 'Reach Student Life Management'
BUGFIXManage Leave - Main Search isn't working correctly
BUGFIXNFC - Staff will be presented with an error asking them to use native app even though they are using the Native app.
UPDATEPastoral - Removed Additional Detail Toggle
BUGFIXManage Leave - Added overflow to handle IPv6 on Audit Trail
Version 4.0.17
Tue 30th Mar, 2021
MAJORManage Leave - Fixed incorrect Leave Numbers
Version 4.0.16
Mon 29th Mar, 2021
UPDATEQuick SISO - Gating restrictions not being enforced in Quick SISO
BUGFIXSticky - Spelling Error
BUGFIXEvents - Future events button doesn't do anything
BUGFIXLeave - Recurring leave settings not updating when changed from "recurring" to "doesn't reoccur" in leave creation process
BUGFIXLeave - Leaves submitted in PWA without recurring are appearing with 1/1 recurring icon in GAE
Version 4.0.15
Thu 14th Jan, 2021
UPDATEfor Snack bar showing when Bottom Bar is visible
BUGFIXfor SISO to location not working correctly
UPDATEfor Boarders - When selecting new leave they are automatically selected
UPDATEfor Custodians - When a custodian has only one child, that child is selected automatically
NEWedit facility for users to edit leave requests
NEWfeature that allows multiple keyboards across devices to have the Enter button act like an enter on the keyboard even if the key says DONE or a Check regardless of the purpose of the specific keyboard function
NEWfeature on Metrics pie chart to filter Kiosk directly to those at the selected location
UPDATEto smooth off a few rough edges
Version 4.0.14
Mon 11th Jan, 2021
UPDATEto UI components (various)
UPDATEto Student Profile
UPDATEto Pastoral Notes
UPDATEfinished links to Leave and Pastoral from Kiosk
Version 4.0.13
Fri 18th Dec, 2020
NEWimplementation of the School Management module
NEWimplementation of the Diagnostics module
Version 4.0.12
Thu 17th Dec, 2020
MAJORupdate to MatBottomBar
UPDATEto MatCards across the board for consistency
NEWfinished implementation of MatBottomBar Buttons
UPDATEfor MatFab reveal animation sequence
NEWfinished implementation of Leave and MatWizard
NEWCounts for Manage Leave
NEWSearch for Manage Leave
BUGFIXfor WSS deltas
NEWimplementation of in-page Search using Main Nav Bar
NEWimplementation of the Boarders By Location module
Version 4.0.11
Wed 16th Dec, 2020
MAJORupdate to internal infrastructure
Version 4.0.10
Mon 14th Dec, 2020
NEWimplementation of a Date/Time picker that should work across the board and give us what we need consistently
Version 4.0.9
Wed 25th Nov, 2020
NEWimplementation for Material Bottom Bar completed
UPDATEfor Material FAB button on Material Bottom Bar (UI and layout)
NEWswipe feature for changing tabs added to Material Tab Bar
Version 4.0.8
Tue 24th Nov, 2020
NEWimplementation of Material Tabs completed
BUGFIXfor Ripple not calculating targets correctly
NEWimplementation of Material FAB button container completed
UPDATEfor Material Button icon alterations
BUGFIXfor Material List Expand where mat-list-item context was ambiguous
Version 4.0.7
Fri 20th Nov, 2020
NEWimplementation of Material Checkbox List completed
NEWimplementation of Material List Expansion Modal completed
Version 4.0.6
Thu 19th Nov, 2020
NEWimplementation of Material Bottom Sheet completed
NEWimplementation of Material Toggle Button completed
Version 4.0.5
Wed 18th Nov, 2020
NEWimplementation of swipe support for Material Lists
Version 4.0.4
Tue 17th Nov, 2020
NEWimplementation of Material Select completed
NEWimplementation of Material Text completed
NEWimplementation of Material Ripple completed
NEWimplementation of Material List completed
NEWimplementation of Material Button completed
NEWimplementation of Material FAB completed
Version 4.0.3
Mon 9th Nov, 2020
NEWimplementation of Custom Elements throughout the entire infrastructure
MAJORupdate to the core infrastructure components
Version 4.0.2
Mon 2nd Nov, 2020
UPDATEto the debug controller for collecting errored state information
Version 4.0.1
Fri 30th Oct, 2020
UPDATEto the Change logs infrastructure to support all our new items through our build pipeline
Version 4.0.0
Thu 29th Oct, 2020
NEWLatest version of the PWA has been commited to repo
UPDATEto the Change log to include multiple items per version
BUGFIXprevent user from continuing leave form if destination is null somehow.